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Attleboro Youth Soccer

Attleboro Youth Soccer

AYS Volunteer Positions

President - Chris Andes
Individual to oversee all aspect of the AYS program, through the coordinated team efforts of the fellow board members and volunteers.  A representative with town officials, BAYS, and MYSA looking out for the best interest of the AYS program. Assists in any areas as needed. Must have served on the board for at least one year previously to be eligible. 2-year term - expires Dec 2025. 

Vice President – Peter Gray
Individual to assist with the oversight of the entire AYS program, through the coordinated team efforts of the fellow board members and volunteers. 2-year term- expires Dec 2025. 

Treasurer – Joyce Todisco
Fiduciary responsibility to safeguard the assets of the organization, including statutory filings, payments to vendors, and record keeping of the day to day activities.  2-year term - expires Dec 2026. 

Secretary – Katie Letellier
Individual responsible for maintaining the monthly board minutes.  2-year term- expires Dec 2026. 

Travel Director - Jeff Sposato
Individual responsible for the overall travel program, including team assignments, ZTP violation reviews, Coach evaluations and player evaluations. 1-year term - expires Dec 2025.

In-Town Director – Joe Ortiz
Individual responsible for the overall In-town program, including team assignments, ZTP violation reviews, Coach evaluations and player evaluations. 1-year term- expires Dec 2025.

    • Assistant In-town Director (2 slots Positions Vacant) – Assist the director and the overall In-town program including team assignments coach and player evaluations.
    • Age Group Coordinators (Positions Vacant Individual acting as a point person for a specific age group to lead team placements, coach selections and information communication under the direction of the In-town director.

Registrar - Christina Rogers
Responsible for maintaining the overall membership records of AYS, including annual reporting with the State Association (MYSA), and team registration and placement within the BAYS league.  Manages player registrations at the beginning of each season, ensures family accounts are current and reviews/processes waiver requests.   

Risk Manager 
–  Tracy Opiekun
Individual ensures all coaches are properly documented so they can work with the kids in our program.

Field Director James Roberge
Individual to lead the weekly morning preparation of fields, coordinate volunteers. Individual to be the point person to work with the In-town and Travel coordinator to schedule game times and field layouts. Work with the Attleboro Recreation department on field related concerns.

Fundraising Director – Ashley Niland
Help our program continue its success with fundraising by leading, overseeing and coordinating creative and professional fundraising events, activities, and local business sponsorships. The AYS fundraising foundation has been established, this position drives new ideas while maintaining sponsorship base.  Several limited participation positions roll up to the director position.

    • Sponsorship Coordinator - Cory Knights - Primarily responsible to renew sponsorships under the direction of the Fundraising Director.
    • Apparel Coordinator - Cory Knights - Primarily responsible to lead apparel sales for AYS with the objective to raise funds for AYS as well as promote youth soccer throughout the Attleboro community. The position is under the leadership of the Fundraising Director.

Referee Director – Peter Gray
The individual is the point person for the AYS BAYS referee program for the Fall and Spring seasons and coordinates with in-town referee program.

    • Referee Mentor –  Bob Chappuis - Individual to lead a referee mentoring program for AYS. Includes scheduling of mentoring, collecting feedback, communicating feedback to referees, organizing referee training sessions.
    • Referee Assignor –  Peter Gray– Individual to lead of scheduling referees for all games throughout the seasons including makeup games and scrimmages.
    • In-town Referee Coordinator (Position Vacant)– Individual to help with coordinating the referees for the season, including training prior to each spring and fall.

Inclusion Coordinator - Jenn Boss
Promote an inclusive environment recognizing and valuing the diverse abilities, backgrounds and needs of all players. Ensure that the program provides equal opportunities to all children regardless of skill level or physical ability. Additionally this individual will serve as a resource to parents, players and coaches to assist with different learning styles and provide individual support where needed.

Communications Director - Ashley Hernandez
Lead efforts for AYS to communicate to membership and community.  Use coordinators to help deliver a weekly newsletter for both In-town and Travel. Also works to promote AYS in local newspapers and social media. Look for additional opportunities to keep AYS awareness in the community.

Website and IT Coordinator - Tom Drake
Individual acting as a point person maintaining organization website and assisting with communications to the community

Revolution Liaison –  (Position Vacant)

Responsible for maintaining the partnerships with local professional teams and AYS, including AYS night at these venues. To be the Lead for AYS in scheduling Revolution sponsored events, such as Revolution Nights, Revolution training night, coaches clinics, etc...

Director of Soccer Development – Ed Guardado
Individual to take lead on the overall player development within the town and coach development. Year-round including winter and summer training.  Maintains relationships with the local clubs and high school coaches to increase training staff availability. Individual ensures certifications of coaches are appropriate for each age group.

    • In-town Development Coordinator – Currently an Academy style approach with In-town coaches for U7 and U8 players. Providing the instruction under the supervision and instructions from outside coaches this coordinator ensures the program is running effectively. Current Program Structure under review.
    • Travel Development Coordinator – Currently an Academy style approach for U9 and U10 with coaches assisting in the instruction under the supervision and instructions from outside coaches. Current program structure under review.

Contact Information

General Inquiries:
[email protected]

Registration and/or Payment Inquiries:
[email protected]

Chris Andes, President:
[email protected]    

Peter Gray, Vice President:
[email protected]   

Christina Rogers, Travel Director:
[email protected]  

Joe Ortiz , In-Town Director: 
[email protected] 

In-Town Referee Coordinator:
[email protected]


Attleboro Youth Soccer
Attleboro Youth Soccer, P. O. Box 641
Attleboro, Massachusetts 02703

Email: [email protected]

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